Shahrukh Khan's Dilwale seems to have beaten Bajirao Mastani in screen count! Rohit Shetty's commercial movie seems to be having an upper hand over Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film among the distributors and screen count. An industry source revealed to mid-day website, "Dilwale is the hottest choice among the distributors and the exhibitors. Due to its commercial value, the film has an upper hand if we talk of screen count." The source further added, "Both are big-budget films and have distinct marketing strategies as they cater to different kind of audiences. However, as far as the screen count for both films is concerned, Dilwale, at the moment, has an upper hand." While SRK starrer has managed to bag over 2500 to 3000 screens, Bajirao Mastani has got only 1800-2000 screens! Distributor and exhibitor Akshaye Rathi said, "Its an on-going process where everyone is trying for an optimal showcase. Right now. Dilwale has an of an upper hand with over 2,500 screens while
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Dilwale Beats Bajirao Mastani In Screen Count
Shahrukh Khan's Dilwale seems to have beaten Bajirao Mastani in screen count! Rohit Shetty's commercial movie seems to be having an upper hand over Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film among the distributors and screen count. An industry source revealed to mid-day website, "Dilwale is the hottest choice among the distributors and the exhibitors. Due to its commercial value, the film has an upper hand if we talk of screen count." The source further added, "Both are big-budget films and have distinct marketing strategies as they cater to different kind of audiences. However, as far as the screen count for both films is concerned, Dilwale, at the moment, has an upper hand." While SRK starrer has managed to bag over 2500 to 3000 screens, Bajirao Mastani has got only 1800-2000 screens! Distributor and exhibitor Akshaye Rathi said, "Its an on-going process where everyone is trying for an optimal showcase. Right now. Dilwale has an of an upper hand with over 2,500 screens while
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